• 2015 ~



    人気の「RICE POT」がまだ誕生していない2015年。「クリエイティブのアウトプットが洗練されていない」現状を打破するために、ブランド価値が伝わる世界観をゼロから開発。制作、提案、ディスカッションを繰り返し、クライアントと一緒に「バーミキュラらしさ」を具現化、共通言語化していきました。今ではWebサイトからアプリケーション、グラフィック、展示会ブースなど、ユーザーとブランドの接点に関するアウトプットを一貫して担当。クリエイティブ戦略のパートナーとしてブランドを支え続けています。

    The year was 2015, when the popular product, RICE POT, did not yet exist. To help the client break free from its current situation of unsophisticated creative elements, we developed a worldview from scratch, one that would better convey the value of the brand. Through a repeated cycle of production, proposal, and discussion, we worked with the client to materialize “the essence of VERMICULAR” and create a common language for that essence. Today, we work across the board on all output related to users’ contact points with the brand, including the website, app, graphics, and exhibition booths. We continue to support VERMICULAR’s brand as its partner in creative strategy.

  • 2022



    不動産市場に特化した様々なSaaSを提供し、不動産業界のDXを推進するいい生活。上場から10年、第二創業期のタイミングで、創業時のまま使ってきたミッション・ビジョン・バリューやロゴの刷新、増え続けてきたプロダクトのブランド整理が必要となり、リブランディングの依頼をいただきました。当社はMVVの策定やコーポレートロゴ、タグラインの制作、プロダクト群の整理だけでなく、「ブランドを育てる体験」そのものをデザイン。社員の方に関心・愛着を持ってもらうための社内報や新ブランドの社内向けお披露目会まで提案、プロデュースするなど、インナーへの浸透を伴ったリブランディングを実現しています。 ※こちらのプロジェクトはメンバーがグループ会社である株式会社グッドパッチ在籍中にスタートしたものです。

    e-Seikatsu provides a variety of SaaS specific to the real estate market and is advancing digital transformation in the real estate industry. As part of its redevelopment after ten years since going public, we were asked to handle rebranding for e-Seikatsu, as they needed to rebrand their mission, vision, and values as well as logos, which had been in use since the company’s founding, and rebrand their growing number of products. In addition to formulating their mission, vision, and values, creating a corporate logo and tagline, and organizing the client’s range of products, we designed the very experience of growing a brand. We worked to enable the rebranding to permeate e-Seikatsu internally, such as proposing and producing an in-house newsletter and launch events for new brands in order to encourage interest and build passion among employees. *This project started while the members were at the group company Goodpatch Inc.

  • 2022



    同社は株式会社メディアコンテンツファクトリーとして創業し、デジタルサイネージの運用配信をメインに事業をスタート。現在は医療者と生活者をつなぎ、クリニックで発生する課題をテクノロジーで解決するSaasを提供しています。依頼をいただいたのは、事業ドメインや会社の成長と企業ブランドイメージにギャップが生じていた時期でした。当社は徹底的に行ったリサーチを踏まえ、社名変更の提案からブランドナラティブ、パーパス・ミッション・バリュー、企業ロゴ、コーポレートサイトの制作、プロダクトロゴのデザインシステム開発を担当。一貫したブランドコミュニケーションによる持続可能なブランドをつくり上げました。 ※こちらのプロジェクトはグループ会社である株式会社グッドパッチ在籍中にメンバーが携わったものです。

    Founded as Media Contents Factory, the company’s business began with a focus on the operation and distribution of digital signage. Today, they provide SaaS that connect medical practitioners and consumers and solve the challenges that arise at medical clinics through technology. We received the request at a time when there was a growing disparity in the business domains and company growth and the corporate brand image. Basing our work on thorough research, we were responsible for everything from proposing a new corporate name to creating a brand narrative, articulating the purpose, mission, and values, creating a corporate logo and corporate site, and developing a product logo design system. We created a sustainable brand through consistent brand communication.

  • 2022



    Mutureは、丸井グループとGoodpatchの合弁会社。アフターデジタルを見据える丸井グループの組織変革や人的資本戦略などを担う存在として設立されました。社名はなく、あるのはミッションだけ。そんな状況からデジタル人材の採用やDXを進めるために、会社の目指す未来や本質的な価値が伝わるブランドアイデンティティが早急に求められていました。当社は会社の個性を探るワークショップをもとに、社名やパーパス、ビジョン・ミッション・バリューを制作。インナーから、グラフィックツールをはじめとするアウターまでブランディングを支援し、デジタル人材の採用やDXの推進につなげています。 ※こちらのプロジェクトはグループ会社である株式会社グッドパッチ在籍中にメンバーが携わったものです。

    Muture is a joint-venture company between the Marui Group and Goodpatch. It was established as a presence that would shoulder the organizational transformation and human capital strategy of the Marui Group in anticipation of the post-digital age. It had no name, only a mission. For the recruitment of human resources with digital skills and to progress digital transformation (DX), there was an urgent need for a brand identity that would convey the future that the company was aiming for and its intrinsic value. Based on workshops that explored the personality of the company, we produced the company’s name, Purpose, and Vision, Mission and Value (VMV). We assisted with all aspects, from inner aspects to outer elements such as graphic tools, and these efforts have led to the recruitment of human resources with digital skills and progress in DX.

  • 2015 ~




    Yaohiko Honten is one of Nagoya’s oldest catering businesses, with a history of around 300 years. Even as customers’ values and needs have changed with the times, it has responded to those changes while preserving its traditions, and it has maintained strong support from its patrons, particularly those in middle-aged and older age groups. However, given the state of its response to the rapid digitalization trend of recent years and its forging of relationships with new clientele, achieving future growth required new and different approaches. This is where we came in with proposals for undertaking digital transformation (DX) and branding in interconnected ways. We assisted the client with business growth from the dual aspects of improving productivity and increasing net sales, delivering an outcome that also had an impact on management.

  • 2015 ~



    人気の「RICE POT」がまだ誕生していない2015年。「クリエイティブのアウトプットが洗練されていない」現状を打破するために、ブランド価値が伝わる世界観をゼロから開発。制作、提案、ディスカッションを繰り返し、クライアントと一緒に「バーミキュラらしさ」を具現化、共通言語化していきました。今ではWebサイトからアプリケーション、グラフィック、展示会ブースなど、ユーザーとブランドの接点に関するアウトプットを一貫して担当。クリエイティブ戦略のパートナーとしてブランドを支え続けています。

    The year was 2015, when the popular product, RICE POT, did not yet exist. To help the client break free from its current situation of unsophisticated creative elements, we developed a worldview from scratch, one that would better convey the value of the brand. Through a repeated cycle of production, proposal, and discussion, we worked with the client to materialize “the essence of VERMICULAR” and create a common language for that essence. Today, we work across the board on all output related to users’ contact points with the brand, including the website, app, graphics, and exhibition booths. We continue to support VERMICULAR’s brand as its partner in creative strategy.

  • 2021




    INFRONEER Holdings is a new company created by the integration of Maeda Corporation, Maeda Road Construction Co., Ltd., and Maeda Seisakusho Co., Ltd. Bringing together the technological capabilities and knowledge cultivated by three companies with different cultures to create new value in infrastructure services required the clarification of a future common vision and value. We were tasked with the establishment of the new company’s Vision, Mission, and Value and creative work across the board, from the logo, key visuals and website to newspaper advertisements and graphic tools. We assisted the client with the creation of new value through integration by creating a common language for and materializing their guiding principles as a new company.

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